Short Course 2

Interpretation Of 3d Seismic Data With Open Source (Free) Software

Instructor: Dr. Christopher Liner, University of Arkansas
Date: Saturday, October 3, 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Fee: $80 for professionals or $20 for students
Limit: 45 participants maximum (student spots are limited)
Includes: Refreshments & course notes will be provided

This half-day short course — designed for those with a general understanding of 3D seismic data — provides an introduction to the free OpendTect seismic interpretation system. The principle objectives for participants are to understand the overall system and support documents, data navigation, display, fundamentals of horizon tracking, and geobody extraction. Each participant is required to bring a laptop with OpendTect software installed. Native versions for Mac, Windows and Linux are available. If possible, also download the F3Demo data for use in the class.

Christopher L. Liner is currently the Maurice F. Storm Endowed Chair in Petroleum Geology within the Department of Geosciences at the University of Arkansas. Dr. Liner also currently serves as the 2014-2015 SEG President. He received his BSc at the University of Arkansas in 1978, his MSc at the University of Tulsa in 1980, and his PhD at the Colorado School of Mines in 1989. His background is both academic and industrial. He holds eleven years of business experience including Western Geophysical, Conoco, Golden Geophysical, and Saudi Aramco. He has previously held faculty positions at the universities of Tulsa (1990-2004) and Houston (2008-2012). Dr. Liner’s research specialties include carbonate outcrop and near-surface characterization, advanced seismic interpretation methods, seismic data analysis and processing, anisotropy, and seismic-wave propagation.